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Product updates
Rental Rules (Special Seat Prices)
The Rental Rules option allows you to set a specific price for the hours that a guest hires a rental
Last update [Feb 18, 2022]
Here's an overview of what we cover in this article:
Rental Rules
![]() |
Rental Rules enable you to encourage your guests to book more rental hours by applying a discount depending on the number of hours the guest books. |
TIP! For tour or activity operators who want to make a little extra cash on the side, renting out your spare equipment could be a good idea for you.
How Can I Setup and Use Rental Rules?
Watch the tutorial below on how to set up and use your Rental Rules!
IMPORTANT: you MUST have already created an activity, rental schedule, and price category before you can continue with the tutorial below
How does it work?
See the examples below.
Example 1:
- It takes for hours 1 and 2 each 50 EUR and the 3rd hour with 40 EUR: 140 EUR
- If we add a 2nd person: It shows 240 EUR (calculation is based on the total number of hours booked (=6 hours) and follows the rule hour 1+2 each 50€, hour 3+4 each 40€, hour 5+6 each 30€)
- If we add a 3rd person it shows 270 EUR(=9 hours) and follows the rule hour 1+2 each 50€, hour 3+4 each 40€, hour 5+6 each 30€, hour 7+8+9 each 10€,
Example 2:
For 1 hour, the charge: 11 EUR
For an additional 2nd hour: 8 EUR on top, 3rd hour 6.66 EUR, so on so forth
When we book 1 person for 2 hours: 14 EUR (1st hour: 11 EUR and 2nd hour: 8 EUR. Total: 19 EUR)
When we book 2 people for 2 hours: 31.66 EUR -> in total this is 4 hours so it takes the first hour 11, 2nd hour 8, 3rd hour 6.66 and 4th hour 6.
IMPORTANT: The Special Seat Prices will take into consideration how many people have already booked for a certain date/time (slots), it's not to be used for setting up group pricing, meaning a discount if you are looking for a group instead of just one person.