Resources management

How to create and manage resources

The resource feature is a great way to limit capacities and avoid overbookings of multiple activities and rentals that depend on the same inventory (equipment, spaces, guides).

    Last Update [June 4, 2024]

    If your activities depend on resources like boats, tour guides, or equipment, then you can set up a resource dependency rule, which means that when there are no more resources available, the associated activities will no longer be available for booking on that day or time.

    The resource feature is a great way to limit capacities and avoid overbooking of multiple activities and rentals that depend on the same inventory (vehicles, equipment, spaces, guides). 

    In order to set up the resource manager correctly you need to do two things:

    1. Setup your available resources
    2. Link the resources to the activities that are dependent on it

    Creating Your Resource

    First, go to Products > Resources on the left menu to get to the resource manager page.


    You can either set up each resource with our form or you can bulk upload a CSV spreadsheet with all your resources. Click either Add Resource or Import Resources the structure of your CSV file is explained there.


    Each Resource needs a uniquely identifiable name, assigned type (for internal reasons), and the capacity of this resource. When it comes to the capacity of a resource, we define the number of guests who can occupy each resource, not the total capacity of all your resources of this type. 

    Here are some examples:


    • 10 Jet skis with one guest: 10 x Resource with a capacity of 1
    • A bus with 50 seats: 1 x Resource with a capacity of 50
    • A guide that can manage a group of 8: 1 x Resource with a capacity of 8
    • A rope course that can be occupied by 30 people: 1 x Resource with a capacity of 30 and shared


    • 20 Rafting boats with 8 guests: 1 x Resource with capacity 160
    • 100 Bicycles: 1x Resource with capacity 100 and shared





    Select if the resource can be shared between activities or not. For example, a tour guide cannot be on 2 tours at once and should therefore not be shared among activities. 

    Resource Notifications

    Each resource can be linked to the person responsible and you can set up your TrekkSoft system to send a notification email with a guest manifest when a new booking is made with the resource to a specified amount of time before each departure.

    Import and Export resources

    The import and export features allow you to upload multiple resources at once and once set up, you can edit them by downloading the export, edit the file in Excel or Google Spreadsheet and upload the CSV again.

    Resource Calendar

    To get a general overview of your resources and how much you have available at a certain point, the resource calendar is a great feature to use. Use the left navigation menu and go to Schedule and Manifests > Resource Calendar and click on the Calendar View button.

    Here you can view your entire schedule and quickly reference tours from any date and time. 



    Link Resources to an Activity

    Once you've created a resource, go to the activity you wish to constrain by a resource, Products > Activities, and click on the Edit button on the specific activity you want to link to a resource. 

    Then click on the tab Advanced options > Resources (note; this tab is only displayed when you have resources created) 

    Check the box Yes, apply resource limitations, and then click on the desired resource you want to add to this activity.

    Resource allocation

    Note: You can link multiple resources to an activity, but keep in mind that if all of the assigned resources are full, then that activity will be unavailable for bookings.





    Tip1: If your activity is based on vouchers (not attractions or trips) then the resource dependency rules will have no effect on the availability of these activities (Learn more here)