We want to take a look back at 2023 and recap on all the features and changes we implemented in 2024.
Prices in the widget calendar
You can now select “from price” that should show in widget calendar and ticket slots. This from price is taken from one of your set up price categories. More infos here
Like this you can drive bookings for certain days by promoting better prices visibly in the calendar and stay flexible and adjust your pricing.
Cancellation policy link
Due to new visa regulations for handling chargebacks, you now have the option to set up a cancellation policy that can be visible with a link in the checkout process. More infos here

Launch of new booking overview
We launched our new booking overview with a more simple view of all bookings, incl. an extended filter for trip and booking date, as well as coloured dots for the booking status instead of text. And the best thing that you can open it on any mobile device.
Anonymization of guests and buyers
To be compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR or FADP, we enabled the option to anonymize guests and buyers (also in bulk) from the guest and buyer list.
Reporting Improvements
We added additional fields to the sales and turnover report:
- Net rate: The net rate price the partner will receive (no matter for what it was sold)
- Commission Rate: To see whether a net rate or a commission (if yes, which one) was used
- Commission: Calculation of sales price — net rate: What you earned
Improvements for the POS Desk
We added new filters to the POS Desk guest manifest to simplify the check-in process.
- Group by booking
- Group by check-in status
- Sort by A-Z/Z-A
Improvements on the mPOS app
Besides a dark mode, we implemented an option to change font size as well as brightness. Additionally we added the guest manifest filters for Group by, Filter by and Sort by.
Outlook into 2024
Re-designed booking details
For 2024 we will release our new booking details view, which makes the booking details available on mobile devices as well including a better view.
Be prepared for high season
We will investigate options to edit existing schedules (add new times, add non selected weekdays) as well the option to implement pricing rules which will give the option to change the price depending on demand or trip date.
Secure and reliable system
To be compliant with data protection regulations, we will add a consent manager solution to the widget and website builder that by default will only track required data (necessary to take the booking), but only optional data after the user accepted. This will be feature you can enable on demand.
We will invest time into the data anonymization, not only on TrekkSoft, but also on ExperienceBank side.
Reporting improvements
For the reporting section we aim for a better performance, as well as adding more data to the reporting which then can be selected by you which ones to show.