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Product Updates: Q2 - 2024

Here's a list of the most important updates, features and bug fixes we implemented this quarter!

Remove link from logo in confirmation email

When using the booking widget, then you can now remove the link from the logo in the confirmation email that is sent to you customers. The link previously forwarded to your TrekkSoft Domain - which some of the TrekkSoft users use as their website. 

Where can I remove the link from the logo?

You go in your Admin Desk to Settings - Profile - Notifications

Here you can enable the checkbox to remove the logo link for all email communication. 

New widget events available for Google Analytics

To better track the widget conversion in your google analytics account, we added 2 additional events:

  • Date in calendar selected
  • Price category selected (ticket selected)

Together with the existing events of Widget opened, Add to cart and Booking Successful, your're now able to create your own funnel and see where most people drop off. 

Also don't forget to filter by "device" to see the difference in mobile device vs. desktop usage. 

WAF migration

We're committed to keeping your website secure, and to do this effectively, we're rolling out a new Web Application Firewall (WAF) for all custom domains hosted through TrekkSoft.  By monitoring and filtering traffic, a WAF helps to protect web applications from attacks, e.g. DDOS attack, SQL injections, which in our industry, become more and more common. 

Activating the WAF requires updating your DNS records. This change will redirect your domain through the WAF, ensuring that all visits to your website are checked for security.

Please read more about it here

Other updates and fixes: 

  • mPOS - we fixed a bug with the ticket scan feature (that happened on Android). Now you can scan several tickets one after the other without running into crashing issues.
  • We upgraded our database end of June to better serve the higher volumne in High Season
  • We fixed an issue that custom fields couldn't be filled out during the checkout when the Chrome Extension of the Last Pass Password Manager was used. 
  • Fixed a bug that didn't allow to customize the down payment amount (with the customized down payment feature).