
Website Application Firewall (WAF) - Redirect your domain to TrekkSoft (for existing TrekkSoft users)

We implemented a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for custom domains. By monitoring and filtering traffic, a WAF helps to protect web applications from attacks. Find here what you need to do to enable the new protection.

Last Update [Jun 20, 2024]

If you're using TrekkSoft's Website builder or have linked your custom domain to it, this update requires your attention!

What is a custom Domain?

A custom domain is a unique branded name that identifies a website for example for TrekkSoft our custom domain is Custom domains appear in the address bar at the top of every browser and is how your customers access your website. 

If you have a custom domain added to your Trekksoft account it means that you are redirecting your customers to see the pages created using our website builder and therefore the content of your website is hosted by us. To identify the custom domain that you have added to your account you can navigate in the menu to settings > TrekkSoft Website Builder > Domain. If that custom domain is not relevant to you anymore please get in touch and we will remove it.


How to enable the new WAF application?

Activating the WAF requires updating your DNS records inside your domain registrar.

WARNING! Updating your DNS records may cause your website to temporarily go offline, typically for no longer than 30 minutes. We suggest scheduling these changes during off-peak hours to minimize any impact.

(If you're unsure about making any changes to your domain provider site, you can contact and provide the information mentioned in this form).


Please access your domain registrar to the DNS record section and follow the next steps:

Step 1: Change the existing A-type DNS entries with the New IP addresses for the domain (e.g.

  • Values to be added:
    • Type = A
      Name/host = @
    • New Values


Please make sure to add a new A-type entry for each IP address indicated at the top

When setting up the TTL values please set them to a minimum of 600s (this will minimize the downtime)


Step 2: Delete the CNAME entry for TrekkSoft that you currently have in your domain, it usually looks like the following:

    • Type = CNAME
      Name = www

Step 3: Only if you require subdomains i.e. "", please add A type entries for each subdomain you need.

  • Values to be added:
    • Type = A
      Name = www

Example: Here you can find the TrekkSoft DNS entries in Godaddy domain registrar control panel. You just need to click on the trash icon in the Delete or edit column. Please note that this UI is different for different domain registrar control panels.


Video Tutorial: Here you can see how to add the DNS entries in GoDaddy domain registrar control panel.

GoDaddy DNS


IMPORTANT! Your domain provider may require you to add three separate A Records. If you are unsure, check with your domain provider for Support).

(If you're unsure about making any changes to your domain provider site, you can contact and we can also assist with the changes)


SSL Certificates

If you are not using the new DNS record, we will not be able to renew your SSL certificate. This means your website will not be accessible and therefore risk losing traffic and bookings. Also, keep in mind that while you don’t have the WAF you will be at risk of being attacked. 

TrekkSoft will keep the current setup running until July 15th, 2024⚠️. All custom domains that are not under the web application firewall by this date, will with high probability not work any longer, as we will remove the servers we are currently using by that date. 

Once updating the DNS records, the SSL certificate will become automatically available.

TrekkSoft's booking system is already encrypted and completely secure. TrekkSoft buttons, hosted websites and widgets also have an SSL certificate installed, so there is no need to worry about the security of these tools or domains.