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How to set up the Apple Wallet and Android Passbook integration

Set up Apple Wallet and Android Passbook to store the ticket directly on your mobile device.

    Last update [June 19, 2022]

    Finding a printer to print your ticket while traveling has always been a hassle. Airlines,, Airbnb, and other travel industry pioneers solved this problem a long time ago by simply allowing you to store tickets on your mobile device.

    What are Apple Wallet and Android Passbook?

    The Apple Wallet and Android Passbook are mobile applications that allow users to store coupons, boarding passes, event tickets, and even loyalty cards.

    TrekkSoft now support Apple Wallet and Android Passbook

    With this integration, TrekkSoft users can now provide their customers a seamless digital experience. Allow your guests to add tickets to their Apple Wallet and Android Passbook applications and say goodbye to printing paper tickets.

    Each mobile ticket contains the following information:

    1. Activity Name
    2. Trip Date & Time
    3. Guest Name
    4. Price Category
    5. Booking ID
    6. Ticket Barcode




    What Would You Like To Do?

    In this guide, we will cover the following topics:  

    1. How does it work
    2. Steps to set up Wallet / Passbook




    How does it work?

    1. Guests can access their mobile tickets directly from the email that's sent after they've fully paid for a trip.
    2. The mobile ticket then gets added to their Apple Wallet or Android Passbook to be stored securely.

    Sample email



      Steps to setup Wallet / Passbook 

      1. Navigate to Settings > Product & Booking Settings > Emails & Tickets > Documents & Tickets.
      2. Find Wallet / Passbook row and click on Customize.
      3. Select Enable for emails and then click Save. This activates the Wallet/Passbook placeholder that you can add to your email template.

      4. Navigate to email templates (Settings > Product & Booking Settings > Emails & Tickets > Emails).
      5. Find the Booking Confirmation Email row and click on the pencil icon on the right to edit the email.
      6. Add the new {basketItem.wallet} placeholder to the email template and click Save.