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Product Updates: Q1 - 2024

Here's a list of the most important updates, features and bug fixes we implemented this quarter!

Updates for the mPOS App

Shortened ticket scanning process

To make your check-in process even faster, we shortened the ticket scan process, so when you click on the scan icon, it will immediately open the ticket scanner. If you still want to type in the ticket code manually, just click "type code". 

Improved check-in

When several guests are part of a booking, you're now able to select whether you want to check-in only one guest, all or single guests (always including the one the ticket belongs to). This will simplify the check-in process, as you don't have to scan each guest's ticket that belongs to the same booking. Additionally, you now see in the popup as well the allocated resource. The staff member doing the check-in can then immediately send the guests to the right bus or guide. Read more here

new check-in on mpos

Satisfaction Survey on mPOS

As on our other tools, e.g. POS Desk and Admin Desk, we now also show our Satisfaction Survey on our mobile app. We'd appreciate your rating and feedback on how to make our app better. 

mPOS nps

New filters in guest manifest

On the mPOS guest manifest you can now also sort by A-Z/Z-A, as well as group by bookings, payment status or checked-in status. 

Shorter ticket scanning process on the mPOS app

On the mPOS guest manifest you can now also sort by A-Z/Z-A, as well as group by bookings, payment status or checked-in status. 



Resource now visible in booking details (POS Desk)

We aligned on how we show resources allocated to guests on the mPOS and POS Desk. Now, also the booking details on POS Desk show the resource that is allocated to each guest. 

POS Desk Booking Details with resource details

New Activity filter in guest list (on Admin Desk)

We added an activity filter to the guest list, so now when anonymizing for instance guest data, you can easily select one or several activities to do this for. Guest list activity filter

Improved cancellation & refund popup 

We now only show the "booking fee" in the cancellation popup on POS and Admin Desk, when there is a booking fee connected. If no booking fee was charged during the booking process, this checkbox won't appear in this popup. 

New marketplaces available for Switzerland:

We added two new marketplaces: Gurtenbahn & BLS Schifffahrt for Swiss customers to share their activities with. 

BLS AG operates an extensive regional transport network in Switzerland.

Gurtenbahn is the cable car going to the top of Bern's local mountain. Sell ​​tickets and activities online via the Gurtenbahn.

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Bug Fixes: 

  • Payyo payout invoice: Corrected xls file

  • Website builder was updated with gtag analytics code

  • Website builder mobile version: Group and fixed price was fixed

  • Set capacity in schedule to 0

  • mPOS payment error for credit card form was fixed

  • Rental booking for more than 1 time slot was fixed

  • Edit guest data on POS was removing the previous discount code

  • Cancel/ refund booking, booking item and guest with payments are now working again on mPOS
  • Reporting performance improvements for recalculation
  • Fix for special pricing feature