
Your Gift Cards, Resources and Ticket scans Reports

Get you inventory reports on Gift card/Vouchers, Resources and Ticket scans

Last update [Aug 22, 2022]

The Inventory reporting section in Trekksoft allows you to extract the reports below:


Gift Cards/Vouchers

Find out who and when used each one of your TrekkSoft Gift cards and vouchers that have ever been redeemed.




It shows how your resources are being used: for what activity they were used, for how long; and we calculate, based on the capacity and the occupancy, the occupancy rate:



Ticket Scans 

If you use the TrekkSoft mobile app (mPOS) to scan the tickets your customers bring with them to mark them as arrived or make sure they’ve paid, or check anything related to their reservation on sight, you can see in this report what tickets were scanned, by whom and when.