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TrekkSoft now uses Chargebee to process subscription payments

We switched to Chargebee, an SCA compliant billing tool that simplifies how you pay for your TrekkSoft subscription and fees, and improves our overall invoicing process.

What does this mean for you and your company?

  • A safer way to pay - With an SCA compliant invoicing process, you have a much safer way to pay your subscriptions. SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) is a European rule under the PSD2 regulations that aims to reduce fraud and make online payments more secure. 
  • More ways to pay - Choose to pay via credit card, direct debit (SEPA) or PayPal. We also encourage companies operating within Europe to use direct debit (SEPA) as it is the most secure payment method available. 
  • Automated reminders - Get automated reminders about upcoming invoices or to update your credit card when it’s about to expire so that you stay on top of payments.
  • Simplify accounting - We can now separate your transaction fees from your subscriptions making things easier for your accounting team. 


Update your payment details to benefit from these upgrades

From the Backoffice, click on Settings > TrekkSoft Subscription. Under Billing, click on Manage Payment Details to update your payment information. Once completed, you will start receiving invoices from Chargebee. 



If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to